10 Movies That Should've Been About Different Characters

7. Batman (1989) - Actually Make It About Batman...

What is it with false advertising in movie titles? Tim Burton's attempt at bringing the Caped Crusader to the screen was a major hit that helped solidify his career as the go to director for the dark and macabre. However, it is a real mess of an adaptation of The Dark Knight. Michael Keaton's Batman comes off like a secondary character to Jack Nicholson's Joker. Burton is obviously more interested in the villains in the comic book series than its titular hero, which become more apparent in the sequel Batman Returns. To his credit Nicholson plays the role doing the best Jack Nicholson impersonation he can, the Joker is dark, funny and charismatic antagonist. However, this all comes at the expense to developing Batman as the most human of superheros. This is low on the list because we finally got the Batman that we "didn't need but deserve" in Christopher Nolan's recently completed trilogy. Batman Begins especially gave the blue-print for telling the story of the Dark Knight. Having the hero stand-out above the villains, Nolan intentionally used lesser known Batman antagonists (Scarecrow, Ras Al Ghul) in order for him to make a stronger impression. Tim Burton's Joker completely overshadows our favorite grim vigilante, in end we didn't want to see more of Keaton's Batman we just wanted to see Jack being Jack.
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Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog