10 Movies That Spent Stupid Money On Pointless Things

9. Superman Returns' Alternate Opening Sequence ($10 Million)

Superman Returns
Warner Bros

A $10 million chunk of the $223 million price tag for Bryan Singer's commercially disappointing Superman Returns was a result of Singer shooting an opening sequence for the movie which he ultimately decided he didn't like.

The lavish six-minute sequence depicted Superman (Brandon Routh) visiting the ruins of Krypton, and it's clear that most if not all of the post-production work was completed, because the scene looks more-or-less finished.

Though Singer seemingly hasn't commented on exactly why the scene was cut, it's easy to appreciate that its sheer strangeness clashes with the warmer throwback style of the rest of the film, and it was hardly the most energising way to get things started.

Why Singer was unable to appreciate this in pre-production before a cool $10 mil had been spunked on it, though, is anyone's guess.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.