10 Movies That Spent Stupid Money On Pointless Things

3. Sahara's Deleted Plane Crash Sequence ($2 Million)

Sahara movie

Don't feel bad if you don't remember Breck Eisner's $160 million 2005 dud Sahara, an epic action-adventure caper that, despite starring Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz, came and went without a trace upon release, grossing just $119.3 million worldwide.

The film's bloated budget is the stuff of Hollywood legend, with the production paying out $237,386 in bribes and "gratuities" to the Moroccan locals, while a committee of 10 screenwriters were paid a total of $3.8 million, and most hilariously of all, $2 million was spent filming a plane crash sequence which was ultimately cut from the film.

Eisner later said of the scene, "In the context of the movie, it didn’t work," and while $2 million out of $160 million might ultimately seem like a drop in the ocean, it speaks to the general fiscal irresponsibility of everyone in a position of authority on the movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.