10 Movies That Start At The End

6. Forrest Gump

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'Forrest Gump' is arguably Tom Hanks' finest performance. In Robert Zemeckis' Academy Award winning fictional biopic, the loveable Forrest tells the fascinating story of his life to various people that join him at a bus-stop in Georgia. The film is primarily made up of flashbacks, interspersed with conversations between Forrest and various consenting strangers. This is how the film differs from the way in which others may approach the use of flashbacks. Whereas most of these films may subtly use flashbacks and reveal this technique at the end of the film, 'Forrest Gump' is quite overt in its use of them and they are simply used to express Forrest's anecdotal approach to conversation.

The Start The film both starts and ends with a single feather, and in the opening scene the feather drifts down to a lonesome Forrest sitting on a bench. Whilst he waits for his bus, he begins telling his life story to a number of different people.

The End When his life story eventually reaches his current situation, he sets off to reunite with Jenny, the subject of his lifelong infatuation and the central character to pretty much all of his anecdotes. She reveals they have a son together and that she has developed an incurable illness. They marry, but she unfortunately passes away soon after due to an infection brought on by her illness, leaving Forrest to care for their child. Tears flow and the feather takes us slowly back up into the clouds again.


Steven Bardgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.