10 Movies That Took Extreme Measures To Shoot Scenes

6. Wolverine's "Cameo" Required Tracking Down A Backup Film Negative - Deadpool 2

Vanilla Sky Tom Cruise
20th Century Studios

One of Deadpool 2's most hilarious moments is its riotous array of credits scenes, including the outrageous sequence where Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) travels back in time to the events of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and murders the much-loathed "Barakapool" version of Deadpool.

The brief scene also includes a quick "cameo" from Hugh Jackman's Wolverine courtesy of archive footage from the movie itself.

However, it nearly didn't come together due to the difficulty in tracking down a backup of the original film negative. Reynolds said:

"We had a dick of a time trying to get the actual raw footage though from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The movie was shot on film, it wasn't shot on digital so it was harder to get. We were sitting there on the Fox lot, the exact piece of the movie we need had been damaged on whatever the transfer was, so we had to go to some backup which was in some vault somewhere in the middle of the country, the United States, and we ended up finally, at the last second inputting it into the movie.
For me, I was literally losing sleep over it though, I was thinking 'oh my god, how are we going to do this, am I going to have to call Hugh and ask him to shoot this chunk that looks exactly like a movie he's already done?' I can't think of a worse hell for a human being to do."

In a way things might've worked out even funnier if Jackman had indeed been forced to reshoot the scene and attempt to pass for his decade-younger self.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.