10 Movies That Totally Ripped Off Die Hard

9. 16 Blocks (2006)

16 Blocks Bruce Willis
Warner Bros.

This mid-2000s thriller may not have moved the needle much with critics or audiences, but it's a surprisingly sharp and entertaining effort from Lethal Weapon's Richard Donner, and features that rarest thing of recent things: Willis actually giving a damn.

Lauded by many of its fans as basically an unofficial Die Hard sequel, 16 Blocks slaps a moustache on John McClane, recycles his substance abuse issues from Die Hard with a Vengeance and once again teams with him with a loudmouth black man (switching out Samuel L. Jackson for a surprisingly good Mos Def).

More-or-less unfolding in real time, 16 Blocks sees Willis' Jack Mosley (he even has the same initials as McClane!) escorting a witness (Def) to a courthouse 16 blocks away, while avoiding a fleet of corrupt cops who want to stop him arriving in one piece.

If this were a Die Hard sequel, it's be upper-mid tier at absolute worst, with Willis giving one of his more committed performances of the last 15 years - certainly more awake than in A Good Day to Die Hard - while Donner's action chops speak for themselves.

The pacing and narrative have more in common with the third Die Hard than the first, sure, but it's still explicitly indebted to the original, and is effectively milking Willis' involvement for every drop it's worth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.