10 Movies That Tried Way Too Hard To Be Cool

2. Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Margot Robbie Deadshot Will Smith
Warner Bros. Pictures

To give writer-director David Ayer some minor credit, it sounds like his grittier vision of Suicide Squad was put through Warner Bros.' post-production mangle, as the end result was basically "what if the DCEU made a lame Guardians of the Galaxy knock-off?"

The final cut of the movie was thrown together by Trailer Park, the editing studio who also made the film's fantastic trailers, and represents a clear attempt to make as flashy and fast-paced a film as possible.

The opening sequence is more-or-less an exposition dump montage, moving hastily from one character to the next in the hope of keeping cash-rich teens interested enough to recommend it to their friends (which, with its $746.8 million final gross, they clearly did).

Yet most of the dialogue lacks the wit of James Gunn's movie, the incessant jukebox-style inclusion of pop music felt pandering at best or lazy at worst, and the nihilistic tone came across as totally insincere.

That's not to ignore Jared Leto's Joker, a character whose faux-cool style and personality embody everything that's wrong with the movie - over-designed and under-thought.

With Gunn himself set to start production on The Suicide Squad soon, hopefully he'll be able to smooth out the tonal edges and deliver a more confident and less patronising vision worthy of its comic book namesake.

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Sucker Punch
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.