10 Movies That Unbelievably Cut What We Wanted To See

8. Liam Neeson Punches Wolves - The Grey

The Grey Liam Neeson
Open Road Films

The marketing for 2012's Liam Neeson-starring survival thriller The Grey was centered around the memorable visual of Neeson's protagonist John Ottway taping broken bottles to his hands as he prepared to punch a wolf in the face.

It was a killer selling point, in fairness, if a cheeky one considering that Joe Carnahan's film actually denies audiences the pleasure of watching Neeson lay the smack down on a hungry wolf.

You see, this sequence is the very last in the film, and Carnahan smash-cuts to black just as Ottway starts running towards the wolf, so abruptly in fact that several trailer shots of Neeson running towards the wolf aren't even in the final movie.

Viewers who stay through the credits do at least get to see a post-credits shot of Ottway leaned against the seemingly dying wolf, his fate unclear.

Even so, giving audiences the prelude and aftermath of the fight without the fight itself understandably left many annoyed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.