10 Movies That Went Into Totally Unnecessary Detail

1. Akira Kurosawa Had Hospital Drawers Filled With Medical Supplies (But Never Opened) - Red Beard

Team America Kim Jong Il
Toho Studios

Akira Kurosawa was nothing if not a stickler for details, and that's one of the many reasons that he remains one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.

But for his 1965 drama Red Beard, he arguably took this to self-parodying extremes, while striving to make the extensive town set as realistic and believable as possible.

For starters, he had an entire town built, complete with back alleys and side streets, despite some of them never actually being shown on film.

Elsewhere the materials used to create the buildings were over a century old, to reflect the film's 1800s setting, and bedding featured in the film was actually slept in by people for up to six months before shooting.

But it gets even wilder than that.

For the scenes set inside a hospital, Kurosawa had expensive medical supplies accurate to the setting shipped in.

And yet, the various pills acquired for the shoot are never actually show on-screen - Kurosawa had them shoved into drawers, ensuring they're never actually seen or even mentioned by any of the movie's characters.

There's being a stickler for detail and then there's... whatever the hell this is.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.