10 Movies That Were Almost WAY Darker

8. Terminator Salvation

Interstellar Cooper
Warner Bros.

After an impressive hype-building marketing campaign, Terminator Salvation turned out to be a bitter disappointment - a strangely dull, lifeless entry into the franchise no matter the appealing subject matter and stellar cast.

But following the film's release, director McG revealed that he originally intended for it to conclude with one of two decidedly darker and more provocative finales.

One ending would've seen John Connor (Christian Bale) die from his wounds, but in order to maintain Connor's status as the figurehead leader of the human resistance, his skin would've been grafted onto Marcus Wright's (Sam Worthington) human-machine hybrid body.

In essence, the leader of the resistance would've itself been a machine - a fascinating bout of dramatic irony and an intriguing way to move the series on from Connor (while, at the same time, not).

The other proposed ending revealed that Marcus was actually under Skynet's control all along, and after getting in a room with all the focal resistance members - including Kate Brewster (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin) - his programming would've been activated, causing him to instantly kill them all.

Evidently both of these endings would've been decidedly riskier than the more hopeful one we ended up with, but if nothing else they would've certainly got fans talking.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.