10 Movies That Were Almost WAY Darker

2. Interstellar

Interstellar Cooper
Warner Bros.

Christopher Nolan's sci-fi epic Interstellar is a film which offers both a bleak view of the future and an optimistic portrait of humanity's ability to endure, though it very nearly wrapped up on a decidedly less stellar (sorry) note for protagonist Coop (Matthew McConaughey).

In the final movie, Coop sacrifices himself by falling into a black hole, where he ends up inside a five-dimensional tesseract and manages to send a message to his daughter, Murph (Mackenzie Foy), in the past, allowing her to solve the gravity equation and save humanity.

The tesseract then closes, and Coop is returned to the orbit of Saturn where he's finally rescued, allowing him to have one final, brief reunion with an elderly Murph (Ellen Burstyn).

In 2015, however, Jonathan Nolan revealed that Coop originally remained trapped inside the black hole forever more, unsure of whether or not the data made it back to Earth or not, or whether his entire quest was in vain.

It's certainly a laudably bleak ending for a mega-budget tentpole film, though it's also easy to appreciate why the Brothers Nolan made it more uplifting and concrete in the end.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.