10 Movies That Were Only Made With VERY WEIRDLY SPECIFIC Conditions

8. Drew Barrymore Insisted The Angels Couldn't Use Guns - Charlie's Angels

Iron Man 3
Sony Pictures Releasing

Drew Barrymore wasn't just one of the stars of 2000's big-screen Charlie's Angels adaptation, she was also a producer and, better yet, was the entire reason the film got made in the first place, having purchased the big-screen rights years prior.

As a result, Barrymore had a tremendous amount of control over the film's creative direction, and her most prominent contribution was insisting that the Angels never fire guns.

Though the villains throughout the film use firearms, Barrymore demanded that the Angels use no such weaponry, with them instead relying upon their martial arts skills and tech savvy.

As for why Barrymore ruled that the titular trio not use guns? Co-producer Leonard Goldberg explained:

"We talked about that, and we thought that given the violence that's going on in our country... The villains have plenty of guns. They have big guns, small guns, rockets, helicopters, bombs, everything. But we thought, let the Angels show you that you can do it without guns."

Considering the gun violence still endemic in the U.S. over 20 years later, it's a valid point, though somewhat ironically the 2019 reboot featured plentiful firearm use from the new Angels.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.