10 Movies That Were Only Made With VERY WEIRDLY SPECIFIC Conditions

2. It Couldn't Be Longer Than 2 Hours - Justice League

Iron Man 3
Warner Bros.

2017's Justice League is surely the most infamously troubled blockbuster production of the last decade, with the DCEU's answer to the Avengers being heavily workshopped, rewritten, re-edited, and re-shot during its lengthy post-production period.

Warner Bros. executives expressed concerns about Zack Snyder's epic original Snyder Cut - an unwieldy 214-minute behemoth that was likely unreleasable in cinemas - which in conjunction with the sudden death of Snyder's daughter prompted him to step away from the shoot, with Joss Whedon being subbed in to "fix" the film.

Then-Warner CEO Kevin Tsujihara, clearly desperate for the film to be a breezy box office smash, mandated that the new Whedon Cut couldn't exceed two hours.

And despite Whedon drastically re-shaping almost the entirety of the film, he understandably struggled to bring it in under the stated runtime, such that Justice League clocks in at 1:59:43.

And while the Whedon Cut is certainly not a good movie, it clearly suffered from Whedon frantically trying to cram so much plot, character development, and action into a mere two hours, including the end credits no less.

Ultimately the original Justice League was a critical and commercial disappointment, and Warner Bros. ended up giving Snyder $70 million to finish the much better-received Snyder Cut anyway.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.