10 Movies That Were Re-Edited After Release (And Why)

3. Incredibles 2

Django Unchained

Incredibles 2 launched in the U.S. in June 2018, earning rave reviews and a mammoth $182 million opening weekend. However, there was a slight dent in all that goodwill in the form of a few scenes in the film that affected people with photosensitive epilepsy.

In all versions of the film, the Screenslaver uses screens featuring psychedelic patterns and bright lights to control his victims. In the original version of the film that first released in the U.S., these bright lights flashed quite severely, which meant that the film could potentially cause migraines - and even seizures - for certain viewers.

After hearing about these health concerns from American audiences, Disney requested that all cinemas post an epilepsy warning, as a temporary measure. The studio then went on to tone down these bright lights in the film, ensuring it complied with the Harding test - a procedure that keeps video content safe for those who have photosensitive epilepsy.

This edited version of the film was the one that was then released in other territories, including the UK. If you're interested in checking out a before-and-after comparison, one audience member managed to piece one together and post it on YouTube.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.