10 Movies That Will Definitely Win Razzie Awards In 2017

6. Martyrs

Ben Stiller Razzie Zoolander 2
Anchor Bay

Back in 2008, the idea of remaking Pascal Laugier’s Martyrs with comic book villains, a wimp rock soundtrack and stylized visuals would’ve amused anyone who’d just stumbled out of a screening. Needless to say, they won’t be laughing now.

Laugier’s original is one of the most intense and disturbing horror movies of the last decade, but the idea behind this remake seems to have been made to give the Twilight demographic a watered down English language version to watch on their phones. There’s no suspense in this version, no emotional involvement and no punchline, but at least there’s a few unintentional laughs.

The mysterious cult from the original becomes a bunch of Scooby villains who spill their guts about their diabolical scheme before attempting to murder the heroine, who at the last moment transforms into Sarah Connor and kills the members one after the other. Then again, how were we supposed to take the group seriously when their leader is the reporter from Big Trouble In Little China?

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Zoolander 2
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'