10 Movies That Will Make You Cry Yourself To Sleep

1. Dear Zachary: A Letter To A Son About His Father

There should really be a separate category for movies like Dear Zachary on Netflix, all of which come with a giant disclaimer that pops up when you click on the title. It shouldn't be called a documentary, or a drama, or a "tearjerker." It should be called a WHAT THE F--K IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD THAT SOMETHING LIKE THIS WAS ABLE TO BE DOCUMENTED IN THE FIRST PLACE?? In case you don't know the backstory, here's a quick briefing: Andrew Bagby was murdered by his jealous ex-girlfriend shortly after becoming pregnant with Bagby's child. Close friend Kurt Kuenne decided to interview Bagby's friends and family and turn the project into a filmed scrapbook for the unborn son, so that he could get to know his father in some small way. Many of the interviews are uplifting, while others are tragic. All of them are sad in their own way. But during filming, a number of truly despicable events start to unfold that suddenly turns the project into a true crime-style documentary, focusing on the disgraceful state of the Canadian justice system. Without spoiling anything, we'll just say that even though Dear Zachary opens with the retelling of the unfortunate murder of a good man, it ends with something even more loathsome and unforgivable. Like this list? Manage to get through it without turning on the waterworks? Are there any other tear-jerkers missed? Share your thoughts down in the comments.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.