10 Movies That Would Be Outstanding If They Weren't So Long

5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Length: 150 mins "How can you make a movie out of a theme park ride?" That was the question everyone was asking when Disney announced its intentions to make Johnny Depp a swashbuckling anti-hero in a raucous little high-seas adventure called Pirates of the Caribbean. But the formula was actually pretty simple: an uncomplicated story + a charming lead x slapstick action sequences = lots and lots of money. And as is the case with most Hollywood blockbuster sequels, they opted to use that same formula again, this time wrapping it in parentheses and tossing an exponent of 100 onto it. (Yay for math metaphors!) In expanding every scene past its breaking point and trying to give audiences way too much of a good thing (we love you, Captain Jack, just not for hours at a time), they let all of the charm out. They went bigger and louder, and it all became too much for our eyes and ears. Dead Man's Chest is the equivalent to cooking a perfectly-prepared steak and then stuffing it with butter and garlic and chips and another, tougher steak. Right around minute eight of Johnny Depp running in that big hamster wheel thing, audiences start to check out. Which is a real shame, because Depp is even better as Jack Sparrow this time around, but we never had a chance to realize that. Because he was always in our faces.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.