10 Movies That Would Be Outstanding If They Weren't So Long

3. Jackie Brown

Length: 154 mins A word to 1990's era Quentin Tarantino: Know when to cede top billing to your actors. Also know when to reign them in. The one thing that kept Jackie Brown from becoming just as legendary as Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction was its bloated runtime. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with just letting Pam Grier and Sam Jackson do their thing for a couple of hours. But if that's all you've brought to the table, you need to make sure the meal is finished when that two hours is up. That's not to say that Jackie Brown needs to be the rapid-fire mini-gun that Reservoir Dogs was, but too often it feels like Tarantino is barely pulling back his slingshot and pointing it up at the sky, letting the rocks fall where they may. And that's cool, to an extent, but there were points in Jackie Brown where he needed to aim the damn thing and use a little extra force. He just...didn't. So either sling those last rocks a little harder or put the slingshot down entirely, fella.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.