10 Movies To Blame For The Current State Of Movies

7. The Pointlessly R-Rated Movie - Deadpool

Deadpool 2

To be clear, Deadpool is most certainly not a pointlessly R-rated movie: the foul language, cartoonishly brutal violence, and irreverent humour are entirely inherent to the character, and a PG-13 rating would've been a travesty.

But as expected, Hollywood took the wrong lesson away from Deadpool's surprise box office success, opting to hand out R ratings to tentpole movies regardless of whether it was really appropriate or not.

The recent Hellboy reboot, for example, was R-rated in all the wrong ways: witlessly crude, monotonously violent, and trying way too hard to be edgy.

Even Terminator: Dark Fate, which many praised as a return to the more adult tone of the earlier films, hurled out profanity like a teenager trying to impress its older friends. Ironically, it was also helmed by Deadpool's Tim Miller.

The salient point here is that a script needs to be good before a studio simply banks on the goodwill of a "mature" movie: an R rating didn't stop A Good Day to Die Hard from being deeply, deeply terrible, did it?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.