10 Movies To Blame For The Current State Of Movies

5. Excessively Budgeted Blockbusters - Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End

Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End Jack Sparrow

Though inflation ensures that movie budgets will continue to steadily rise, the speed at which we're racing towards the first ever $500 million is far outpacing the simple rising costs of doing business.

The most expensive film of all time to date is 2011's Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which cost a stonking $379 million, while the last three Avengers movies have all cost in excess of $300 million - $365 million in the case of Age of Ultron.

Clearly, it's no longer shocking for a movie to have a $200-300 million price tag, which is how we end up with complacently over-budgeted disasters like Justice League, which due to extensive reshoots was bloated out to $300 million.

But it all goes back to the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie, At World's End, the first film in history to cost $300 million.

Its subsequent commercial success - grossing just shy of $1 billion - emboldened Disney and other studios to not even flinch at these price tags.

Yet while The Avengers movies are basically impervious to franchise fatigue - or so it seems - for other studios and franchises, these colossal budgets don't remotely guarantee a good return-on-investment.

It's gotten silly enough in recent years that when a movie like Joker comes along and grosses $1 billion worldwide, we're shocked at the "modesty" of its "mere" $70 million budget.

While in fairness Hollywood has always enjoyed pushing the boat out with ambitious - and bloated - price tags, the rate at which budgets have soared over the last decade-or-so is just insane.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.