10 Movies That Could Have Been Truly Awesome (With A Single Change)

4. Rocky Balboa

The best thing about this movie is a speech Rocky gives to his son. It's become a motivational meme in recent years, heard everywhere from YouTube to hip hop mix tapes. Something about getting hit in the head really hard, then finding out that brain damage isn't as serious as it was in 1989.

The rest is standard Stallone fare, and actually a bit better than that. The plot is what audiences expect of a Rocky comeback: Rocky comes back. Then he hits a dude. Strangely enough, he's working in a restaurant at the beginning of the film, echoing "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Theme From Rocky XIII." The old Rocky magic is back for a while, and better than it was in the previous sequel.

Rocky movies have always been products of their time, and Rocky Balboa is no exception. During the inevitable confrontation between Rocky and opponent Mason Dixon, the color occasionally fades. Save for Rocky's red wounds and, oddly, the yellow patterns in his trunks, the movie is in black and white. It could be a reference to Raging Bull, Natural Born Killers, or even Schindler's List, but it looks more like sports drink commercials that were airing at the time. It's a cool effect, but unnecessary, and will look even more dated as time goes on.


Check out "The Champ" by my alter ego, Greg Forrest, in Heater #12, at http://fictionmagazines.com. I used to do a mean Glenn Danzig impression. Now I just hang around and co-host The Workprint podcast at http://southboundcinema.com/.