10 Movies Where God Intervenes

9. Left Behind (2014)

Valhalla Rising Mads Mikkelsen
Freestyle Releasing

Nicolas Cage has crept back into everyone's favours over the last seven years or so, starring in indie hit after indie hit and becoming something of a horror darling. But that doesn't mean we've forgotten the stream of god-awful thrillers he put out during the early 2010s. And Left Behind is one of the worst offenders. 

Far from keeping god hidden in dark corners and behind strangers' smiles, Left Behind puts the almighty upfront from the get. Indeed, god's long-foretold Biblical Rapture strikes during the film's first act, causing personal, national and global-scale devastation for pretty much everyone on Earth, but a special kind of devastation for those in the air.

One such aerial devastatee is commercial airline pilot Ray Steele (Nicolas Cage), who finds himself on the naughty list when many of his crew and passengers suddenly check out mid-flight, leaving him behind. Left with heaps of empty clothes on the inside; rogue, pilot-less planes on the outside; and basically zero support from down below, this is one intervention pretty much everyone not on the VIP list to heaven wishes never happened.

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