10 Movies Where It Didn't Matter That The Hero Lost

9. School Of Rock - School Of Rock

In the Mouth of Madness Ending
Paramount Pictures

Just how likeable is Jack Black? Well, as Dewey Finn in School of Rock, he was able to pose as a school teacher and essentially hijack an entire semester's worth of work to dedicate towards playing a rock show with the children, and the audience still rooted for him.

The band Dewey created at school, School of Rock, ultimately made it to the Battle of the Bands competition, and everyone wanted them to win. The audience watching the movie, the audience watching the show in the movie... everyone except the judging panel.

Dewey's old band, No Vacancy, took the title, and though Black's character was down about it at first, his students reminded him that it didn't matter. Rock music isn't about getting an A, and even just before they went on stage, Dewey himself said they went to play a great rock show, not to win.

Based on the reaction of the audience, and the fact that it was they who got the encore rather than the winners, they did what they went to do. This great show didn't necessarily change the world, but it did change the lives of everyone involved in the band.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.