10 Movies Where The Hero Should've Died

8. Julie - I Know What You Did Last Summer

Star Wars
Columbia Pictures

In I Know What You Did Last Summer, Julie and her friends are driving along a byway, when they collide into a pedestrian. Terrified they'll go to prison, they dump the body, and swear never to mention it again.

One year later, Julie and her friends learn they're being hunted by a hook-wielding killer, who taunts them with notes that read, "I know what you did last summer".

After Julie seemingly kills her pursuer in the climactic battle, it looks like the story is about to wrap up. We then cut to several months later, and see Julie in college, readying to have a shower. But as she turns around, she notices the words "I STILL KNOW" written on the steamy glass. With no warning, a shadowy figure leaps towards Julie, before the screen cuts to black.

Because I Know What You Did Last Summer was a hit, it was no surprise when it spawned a sequel the following year. In I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Julie is at a holiday resort when she discovers the killer is still hunting her.

But wait a minute... what happened with the first movie's final scene? How did she survive the attack?

Well, the sequel explains this away in the laziest way possible. The ending of the first film... was a dream. That's right. That's the best the movie could come up with. Considering I Still Know What You Did Last Summer was terrible and made little money, it would've been better if Julie died in the first film's closing moments, and not bothered with the sequel at all.

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Star Wars Nope
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