10 Movies Where The Killer Never Gets Caught

4. Black Christmas (1974)

Memories of Murder (2003)
Warner Bros.

Though card-carrying horror movies don't have much of a place on this list, given that the entire point of horror franchises is that the killer never gets permanently caught or killed, 1974's Black Christmas is a bit of an outlier as it never got even a single sequel - just two rather naff remakes instead.

The film follows a group of sorority sisters who are terrorised by a deranged killer during the Christmas season, and over the course of the movie the murderer, Billy (Nick Mancuso), causes a total of seven deaths.

The finale sees protagonist Jess (Olivia Hussey) beat the apparent killer, Peter (Keir Dullea), to death, but after the police attend to the scene and surmise that Peter was behind all the killings, Billy's voice is heard and a shadow can be seen leaving the attic, making it clear that the real killer got away with it.

Black Christmas stands as the rarest of successful horror films to never get a sequel despite categorically implying the killer's survival at the end.

We got two remakes instead, with the 2006 version making the predictable decision to kill him off this time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.