10 Movies Where The Villain And The Hero Are Close Relatives

1. The Good Son

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Luke Skywalker Darth Vader
20th Century Fox

If you thought your second cousin Larry was a creepy fella, wait until you hear about this guy. After teen Mark Evans loses his mother to a fatal disease, he’s invited to stay with uncle Wallace and aunt Susan during the winter. Mark’s father leaves due to an important business trip (yeah, sure) and so the grieving boy is left under the care of his extended family. Cousins Connie and Henry are also there to support Mark, although Henry’s help is not something anyone would want. Trust me on that one.

In a matter of days, friendly cousin Henry reveals a disturbing dark side that manifests in the form of twisted and maniacal schemes with the ultimate goal of hurting people. School bullies, potential criminals? No, just about any innocent bystander is appealing enough for Henry’s sadistic appetites. Honorable mentions to the dummy thrown-off the bridge and the freaking homemade crossbow that shoots rusty screws. Poor doggy, remember him?

When aunt Susan discovers the truth, she confronts her son about the death of Henry’s baby brother several years ago. He supposedly drowned in the tub. Henry’s angelic behavior is suddenly transformed into a psychotic tantrum as he reveals the secret behind the baby’s death.

Henry promptly runs into the nearby woods and is pursued by Mark and Susan. Somehow, Mark and Henry are left dangling in a cliff and is up to Susan to decide which of the boys will survive. Monsters are not family. The choice is simple yet gut wrenching.

Bye, bye, Henry.

What Horror Films Are These Heroes/Heroines From?

Laurie Strode Jamie Lee Curtis

1. Laurie Strode

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Star Wars
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I hear a voice inside my head, it always tells me to go get tacos. Like... right NOW! Ok, jeez, you don't have to shout. Occasionally, I write content for What Culture.