10 Movies Where The Villain Was Dead All Along

1. Everyone - Tales From The Crypt

Hell House Sara Havel
Cinerama Releasing Corporation

And last but certainly not least among our three horror anthology picks, we have 1972's Tales from the Crypt, where five strangers visit some old catacombs in the English countryside, only to meet the Crypt Keeper (Ralph Richardson), who goes on to reveal how each of them will die, apparently in the future.

We see Joanne (Joan Collins) kill her husband and be strangled to death by a serial killer, Carl (Ian Hendry) abandons his family for his secretary and expires in a car crash, James (Robin Phillips) has his heart ripped out by a neighbour he defamed, ruthless businessman Ralph (Richard Greene) dies of a heart attack only to be resurrected as an unkillable embalmed dead body, and embezzler William (Nigel Patrick) is eaten by his own ravenous dog. Nice.

But if you thought this would grant each of them the knowledge to avoid their "future" fates, not quite. The Cryptkeeper then reveals that these "visions" were actually events that had already taken place, before each of the five are led into the fiery pits of Hell for their transgressions.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.