10 Movies Which Were Completely Changed After Test Screenings

2. Army Of Darkness

Army of Darkness
Ash Vs Evil Dead hit our TV screens recently and revived every cult cinema fanboy's favourite actor, Bruce Campbell. It's been over 20 years since Campbell played one of horror's best-loved heroes so it's apt that Army Of Darkness is up for discussion. Army Of Darkness (once known by the far more amusing title Medieval Dead) sees Ash back in 1300 AD fighting off hordes of undead Deadites in an orgy of ridiculous violence and tongue-in-cheek heroics. After surviving his ordeal, Ash finally wakes up in the present day where he kills the remaining Deadite with his trusty Winchester rifle, bringing the threat of evil to an end. The test screening reaction to Army Of Darkness is another instance where the original, "darker" ending wasn't loved by the audience - apparently sleeping through his showdown and waking up in a post-apocalyptic future was a bit of a let-down. In this case, it's easy to argue that they were right, even if director Sam Raimi and Campbell do prefer the original version. You can watch it for yourself and make up your own mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j42eaiLdBTY

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