10 Movies Whose Morals Everyone Misunderstood

4. It's Not Summer's Fault - (500) Days Of Summer

If you want to hate something about (500) Days Of Summer, hate the fact that it reenforces The Smiths as a hipster band or that it serves as a reminder Marc Webb can actually direct. Don't hate Summer. She, unlike Jenny Beckman, is not a bitch. Tom immediately falls for Summer, believing her to be his ideal girl; the one he'll ride off into the sunset at the back of bus with. But he's not falling for Summer herself, but the idea of what he wants her to be to him. She repeatedly states she wants things to be casual between them and, while her definition of casual involves shower sex and going to Ikea, that's what she delivers. That's a rather simplistic summary of their relationship, cutting out the personal drama, but it's the general idea. Neither character is perfect, just like in real life; Summer didn't lead Tom on, but neither was he Sid vicious. They were two people who wanted different things, possibly on a fundamental level incompatible. Of course, that's not what a lot of people coming out of the rom-com think, finding the whole thing a cautionary tale against relationships in general, rather than simply an example of how inexact a science love is.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.