10 Movies With Plot Points That Go NOWHERE

5. Zoë Bell's Tracker - Django Unchained

X Men Apocalypse Magneto Quicksilver

As ingeniously, intricately plotted as Quentin Tarantino's films are, he doesn't always like to give everything away, though in the case of Django Unchained, there's one abandoned sliver of story which feels like it was only just getting started.

During the scene where Django (Jamie Foxx) guns down an entire room full of trackers, we see that one of the trackers is a woman wearing a red bandana over her face, and Tarantino even lingers on her for a few seconds as she stares at a picture of two children through a viewfinder.

It feels like this is going somewhere, but less than a minute later, she's eaten hot lead just like her comrades, and the character is never seen again.

However, this wasn't the original plan at all. The character is played by none other than Tarantino's regular stuntwoman collaborator Zoë Bell, and Tarantino had written a sizable part for her which included both a backstory and a fight scene.

Due to time constraints while shooting, however, these scenes were never shot, and yet Tarantino decided to include a lingering glimpse of Bell regardless to tantalise fans with what could've been.

On the film's press tour, Bell said of her truncated role:

"I guess when you’re getting such brilliant s**t with Leo and Jamie and Christoph, you just keep shooting and time kind of got crunchy."

Bell also mentioned that her character wore a bandana to cover her missing lower jaw, while fans have speculated that she may have been a childhood friend of Django's given that the picture she's looking at features two young children - one black, one white.

Sadly we'll likely never know the truth, and we'll definitely never get to see it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.