10 Movies With Ridiculously Subtle Foreshadowing That Nobody Noticed

6. A Musical Choice Spells Out The Big Twist - Hot Fuzz

Se7en Brad Pitt Morgan Freeman

Edgar Wright is one of cinema's all-time great masters of foreshadowing, and his comedy classic Hot Fuzz includes many visual and spoken nods to the movie's barmy array of twists and turns.

It's eventually revealed that the "serial killer" slaughtering their way through the sleepy village of Sandford is actually various members of the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance (NWA), who collude to kill anyone they suspect might ruin Sandford's chances of winning Village of the Year.

There are numerous hints to this hidden in plain sight earlier in the film, not least that when hotshot cop Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is running through Sandford shortly after moving there, The Kinks' classic tune "Village Green Preservation Society" is playing.

Beyond the title, the song's lyrics are very much indicative of the movie's big reveal - "Preserving the old ways from being abused / Protecting the new ways for me and for you."

Cheekily, however, Wright fades the music out just as the song reaches this part, though if you're a fan of The Kinks you'll doubtless have them committed to memory regardless.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.