10 Movies With Surprisingly High Body Counts

1. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Narnia The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe
Marvel Studios

While we've become accustomed to seeing death counts be quite high and almost become the norm in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's safe to say that Guardians of the Galaxy blows everything else out of the water.

A monumental count of over 80,000 deaths are recorded for GOTG. Now, admittedly the majority of these are CGI constructed deaths, but they are still there, right in front of our eyes when a whole army of pilots are obliterated by the Dark Aster.

Nobody in their right mind can deny that this sheer body count is anything but a surprise.

The film gives us 80,000 deaths we don't care about, but also gives us moments to savour and be sad about, such as Groot taking one for the team to save the day.

We're also subjected to heartbreak right from the get go in GOTG, as Peter Quill (Star-Lord), sees his own mother taken from him.

One scene here from Marvel means it tops this list of surprising body counts, and it wouldn't be a surprise to see Marvel to shatter this record in the future.

All records are there to be broken...right?

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.