10 Movies With Unexpectedly Brilliant Soundtracks

1. Good Luck Chuck

Batman Forever Tommy Lee Jones Jim Carrey

Romantic comedies generally don't have it that easy with critics, and Good Luck Chuck was no exception, but where it does outdo other romcoms is with its soundtrack, which leans surprisingly hard on indie music. 

That doesn't seem to just be some shameless grab at a bit of indie cred to broaden the movie's appeal though. If that was all they wanted, then they could've easily just chucked together some Arcade Fire, Imagine Dragons and Foster the People and there you go.

Instead, the selections are a lot more sincere. There are excellent tracks from brilliant but still rather obscure 21st Century indie acts, like Art Brut and Aiden Hawken. Songs like the Honorary Title's "Accident Prone" manage to be sweet and upbeat, without being sickly (something the movie failed to do). Various tracks can't be found anywhere else.

Ironically, one of the soundtrack's most well-known choices is also one of its boldest. "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by Bauhaus is nine and a half minutes of creepy, free-form goth rock. Considering that it was only featured in the movie as a joke, it's amazing that it actually ended up on the soundtrack. 

And if its presence isn't weird enough, it's sandwiched between Olivia Newton John's campy dance-pop classic "Physical" and a cover of Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love". Weird...but awesome. 


Aaron Broom hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.