10 Movies Within Movies Everyone Wanted To See

7. Fake Purse Ninjas - Bowfinger

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As much as we'd all love to see Bowfinger's focal fake sci-fi film Chubby Rain, the very end of the movie teases one better: a martial arts romp starring everybody who worked on Chubby Rain called Fake Purse Ninjas.

The trailer touts it as an homage/parody of classic martial arts films like Enter the Dragon, as Jiff Ramsey (Eddie Murphy) and Bobby Bowfinger (Steve Martin) team up to raid a warehouse full of ninjas... making counterfeit purses. Yup.

In addition to rescuing the beautiful blonde (Heather Graham) the ninjas have kidnapped, the duo are seen fighting their way through a bevy of dubiously-attired goons with the worst fight choreography this side of Star Trek's infamous Gorn episode.

But it sure as hell looks fun, visible camera crew be-damned, topped off by a surprise appearance from Christine Baranski as a culturally insensitive ninja warlord touting impractically long fingernails.

From the title on up, this one sells itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.