10 Movies Within Movies Everyone Wanted To See

2. Schwarzenegger's Hamlet - Last Action Hero

22 jump street end credits
Columbia Pictures

People finally seem to be coming round to the idea that Last Action Hero is actually a brilliant action-comedy that was incredibly ahead of its time and yet unfortunate enough to be released just a week after Jurassic Park.

This howlingly funny Hollywood takedown features arguably the single-best fake trailer in the history of cinema, in which Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Hamlet in an anachronistic, gun-totting version of Shakespeare's legendary play.

Early in the movie, Arnie's biggest fan, young Danny Madigan (Austin O'Brien), is being forced to watch Laurence Olivier's considerably drier 1948 Hamlet adaptation, when he starts to imagine a more action-packed version starring his favourite action star.

In Danny's testosterone-fuelled reboot, Arnie chomps on a cigar before throwing Claudius out of a window, mows the bad guys down with both swords and a damn machine gun, and then blows up the castle to holy hell on his way out the door.

While on one hand the scene is clearly making fun of Hollywood's tendency to shove their most lucrative stars in everything, whether it suits them or not, this campy, bombastic action film reinvention of Hamlet also looks like it'd be ludicrously entertaining in its own right.

Props to director John McTiernan for putting so much effort into making it look like a real movie - and one people would actually want to see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.