Filming is rooted in deception, and we all know a guy who will regale us with gems of production hoodwinking; like the fact that Norma Desmonds house in Sunset Boulevard (1950) was actually located on Wilshire Boulevard. My favouriteand one whose subtlety is lost in our product placement-drenched ageis the bit in Goldfinger (1964) when CIA agents, supposedly in Baltimore, mooch outside a Kentucky Fried Chicken. They filmed that scene in Miami, and English director Guy Hamilton (unaware Colonel Sanders nasty produce was a franchise) thought it was an extraordinary coincidence. Britain, home to some of the worlds finest studios (Pinewood, Shepperton) and technical crewsotherwise solely occupied with Richard Curtis romantic comedies and Downton Abbeyis a natural haven for a shrewd Hollywood refugee. But you may still be surprised at some of the following visits to Limey shores. To celebrate the news that J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode 7 will be filmed in England, here's 10 movies that you may not suspect were also shot in Blighty. Oh, and I've also mentioned a giveaway actoreither a British stalwart, or one of those British-based Americans who have made Token Yank into a career.