10 Movies You Didn't Know Were Made In Britain

2. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace

superman train Another superhero jaunt€”but compared to the big budget Tim Burton blagged for Batman, this final outing for Christopher Reeve€™s Man of Steel was extremely cash-strapped. Courtesy of popular 1980s penny-pinchers Cannon, it€™s the wimpiest of cinematic whimpers to go out on. It is arguably decent at disguising its British locations (including Milton Keynes and London). But it€™s no achievement€”Metropolis, the Daily Planet and the United Nations building all have a down-at-heel look that matches the shoddy flying effects and Lex Luthor€™s disco-ball smoking jacket. If you€™re being charitable it lends a certain Clockwork Orange dereliction to Superman€™s quest, but its many egregious embroideries of the lore (let€™s start with Superman€™s virtual date-rape of Lois Lane, courtesy of an ultra-creepy memory-wiping kiss) cause most viewers to abandon their goodwill even before the heroically cheap set piece where a slightly fast London Underground train is saved by a Christopher Reeve photo cut-out. 5620650_stdGiveaway British Character Actor: For such a turkey, Superman IV has quite a distinguished cast€”perhaps they all urgently needed kitchen renovations? Among many suppressing their embarrassment: Jim Broadbent, Sam Wanamaker, William Hootkins, Steve Plytas, Robert Beatty, and (probably relieved to end up in the deleted scenes) Clive Mantle.

Hamish Crawford writes fiction more easily than fact. His first volume of short fiction, “A Madhouse, Only With More Elegant Jackets”, was published in 2011 from First Edition Publishing. He has an English degree from the University of Calgary and a Screenwriting M.A. from the University of Westminster, which leaves little space on the wall for his several PhD. rejection letters. His stories and articles have appeared in such publications as NoD and the Cult Britannia website (www.cultbritannia.co.uk). In September he will be speaking at a Doctor Who 50th anniversary conference in Hertfordsire. The owner of far more hats than heads, Hamish currently lives in Canada, and is disappointed that the preceding biography contains so few factual errors. Visit his website: http://hamish-crawford.weebly.com