10 Movies You Forgot Were Set At Christmas

7. Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Prometheus Idris Elba
Universal Pictures

Fast Times at Ridgemont High is one of the most iconic coming-of-age comedies ever made, with arguably its most evocative imagery involving Phoebe Cates emerging from a swimming pool and removing her bikini top on a hot, sunny day.

Not exactly what most folk would associate with Christmas then, right?

As such, it's surprisingly easy to forget that there's an entire 20-minute portion in the middle of the classic '80s sex comedy that's quite clearly set during holiday season.

Perhaps most notably, a young boy is shown peeing himself while sitting on a mall Santa's lap, and moments later we hear Stacy (Jennifer Jason Leigh) tell her best friend Linda (Cates), "Christmas sucks, I hate it."

The scenes that follow show plenty of incidental Christmas decorations around the various featured locations, even if Christmas itself has no significant bearing on the story or characters.

Given that the film was released in August of 1982 and feels in its very bones like a Summer comedy, the Christmas aside comes off as especially odd.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.