10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them

9. The Lone Ranger

Johnny Depp The Lone Ranger
Walt Disney Pictures

Why people hated it: Some films the press just want to fail to provide something to write about. The Lone Ranger is one of those. A modern rejig of a fifties radio serial/sixties TV show about a cowboy and his Native American side-kick, the film appeared to be proof Disney didn't know how to make non-Marvel movies. The subject matter was too old for any of the target audience to have any affinity, while casting Johnny Depp as Tonto came across as racially insensitive.

This was amplified by a troubled production (shooting was actually stopped halfway through) that meant by the time The Lone Ranger lurched towards its summer 2013 release it became apparent the film wouldn't make its money back. And conventional wisdom states if a film is going to loose so much cash it has to be doing something fundamentally wrong.

Was the hate justified: Compared to the likes of John Carter or Waterworld - high profile box office bombs that still provide an enjoyable, if throwaway, experience - The Lone Ranger is a lot more flawed.

The reliance on Johnny Depp's Tonto is misguided and given the simplistic origins its rather bloated. But people should have waited until the film actually arrived before reaching that conclusion.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.