10 Movies You Hated Before You Even Saw Them

7. Divergent

Divergent movie

Why people hated it: There's no two ways about it, Divergent is a Hunger Games rip-off. A dystopian sci-fi that divided the population into clearly defined factions with a plot pushed forward by a young female heroine and fleshed out by her romantic interests, clearly Veronica Roth's young adult trilogy, which came out a year after Suzanne Collins' series finished, only exists to tap into that sci-fi/romance subgenre that manages to cross the gender divide.

The film adaptation, rushed out to strike while the Panem iron was hot, was expectedly successful with the pre-teen girl audience, but a mainstream audiences who had developed a love of The Hunger Games were quick to be condescending.

Was the hate justified: Divergent couldn't escape its teen-fiction trappings with the same confidence as The Hunger Games, but even though it may have been financed to cash in on Katniss, Neil Burger's film tried to be its own beast. There's enough good stuff - particularly Shailene Woodley (who, along with The Fault In Our Stars, has carved a niche in young adult fiction) - to make it an worthwhile franchise starter.

How much that ultimately is worth will have to wait until we've seen the three (three?!) sequels.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.