10 Movies You Were Totally Wrong About

7. Solo: A Star Wars Story

John Wick 3 Keanu Reeves

If there's one movie property that seemed absolutely bulletproof in the commercial stakes, it was surely Star Wars.

And while most observers pegged Solo: A Star Wars Story to turn an easy profit of, say, $700-800 million, expectations were considerably lower for its critical reception, given the film's catastrophic production issues - namely Ron Howard being drafted in to re-shoot 70% of it.

Yet this is a movie where most people got things totally backwards - ultimately Solo was decently received by the press, scoring a solid 69%, which many deemed a pleasant surprise after so much behind-the-scenes turmoil.

But its box office performance was another story - Solo ended up falling just shy of $400 million globally, which considering its massive $275-300 million budget made it the first box office bomb of the legendary sci-fi franchise.

While many had doubts about Solo's quality pre-release, it just seemed like a sure thing that the casuals would come out in force to see it.

Yet releasing mere months after the polarising The Last Jedi, while offering up an origin story few were asking for, was apparently enough to keep people away - ironically, despite it actually being pretty good.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.