10 Movies You Were Totally Wrong About

4. John Wick

John Wick 3 Keanu Reeves

In 2014, it can't be understated that Keanu Reeves' career as a leading man was absolutely on the skids - he had a slew of critical and box office duds in his rear view, most notably 47 Ronin the year before.

And when the first trailer for John Wick dropped, it was met with laughter from many, who felt that it would be impossible to take an action film seriously in which Reeves attempts to avenge his murdered dog.

Hell, if we're laying all our cards on the table, yours truly guessed it could even score 0% on the Tomatometer shortly before release.

But given Reeves' track record, the less-than-stellar histories of those involved, and the lackluster marketing, it wasn't a particularly unfair assessment.

But John Wick opened to Reeves' strongest reviews in years, nabbing a mighty 86% with critics, and amid strong word-of-mouth doubled projections for its opening weekend box office haul.

Ultimately a film that many had already written off as a flop grossed $86 million, kickstarting a franchise of acclaimed films which have, to date, netted almost $600 million worldwide.

Furthermore, John Wick is largely credited with Reeves' wider career comeback and greater visibility in pop-culture ever since. It's certainly a case where most people were very, very happy to be wrong.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.