10 Movies You Won’t Believe Are Turning 20 In 2021

8. Spirited Away

Frank the Bunny Donnie Darko
Studio Ghibli

Spirited Away could seriously be argued as the greatest animated movie of all time. For most people, they consider viewing it an experience in itself. You feel like you're actually in the movie because of the atmosphere it creates - from the gorgeous colour palette and the relaxing pace, to the evocative orchestration and the terrific set of characters, it can truly be considered a work of moving art.

The story centres around a young girl named Chihiro, who discovers an abandoned amusement park. Her family venture through this newfound world, but when her parents suddenly undergo a crazy transformation that turns them into giant pigs, Chihiro must find a way to free herself and turn her parents back to normal.

It's a timeless story that seamlessly crosses over with genres of fantasy, coming-of-age drama, adventure and even a little bit of romance. In twenty years time from now, Spirited Away will be just as ageless as it is now.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid