10 Movies You Won't Believe They Tried To Remake

7. Revenge of the Nerds

Battle Royale
20th Century Fox

Revenge of the Nerds is nothing if not a movie that is so thoroughly of its time that it really needs to stay where it is. 

The iconic 1984 comedy was a critical and commercial hit, though contemporary re-evaluations haven't been kind to it at all, singling out how it plays sexual assault for laughs, enough that even director Jeff Kanew and writer Steve Zacharias expressed their regret about these scenes.

But back in 2006, a Revenge of the Nerds remake wasn't merely announced - it actually ended up being partially shot. 

With a cast led by Adam Brody, the remake began shooting in November 2006, but after two weeks of production it was shut down due to Fox's top brass being dissatisfied with the early footage.

Fox even went far enough to state the unlikelihood that they would ever take another shot at a remake, though in 2020 Seth MacFarlane did announce his plans for a Revenge of the Nerds reboot, which mercifully hasn't come to fruition yet.

In an era where the whole nerd-jock dichotomy seems hopelessly played-out, remaking this one feels like a massive fool's errand.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.