10 Movies You Won't Believe They Tried To Remake

2. Battle Royale

Battle Royale
Toei Company

Kinji Fukusaku's Battle Royale was a gateway film into international cinema for many audiences of the early 2000s, and so by 2006 New Line Cinema were hard at work on an English-language remake.

But the brakes were suddenly pumped in April 2007 following the Virginia Tech shootings, as the producers sought to re-evaluate how an R-rated film about schoolchildren killing one another could still be made.

The remake faced another huge setback when an adaptation of Suzanne Collins' similarly-themed novel The Hunger Games began shooting in 2011, after which it became a pop-culture phenomenon in its own right.

After this, remake producer Roy Lee finally admitted defeat, that a Battle Royale remake would now be dismissed by audiences as a Hunger Games ripoff. Lee did suggest he might return to the idea a decade later, but to date he quite thankfully hasn't.

The original Battle Royale is such a perfect organism of a movie, and in the risk-averse, excessively squeamish studio climate of 2024, a Hollywood remake would almost certainly be a sanitised disaster.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.