10 Movies You Won't Believe Turn 10 Years Old In 2016

1. X-Men: The Last Stand

Mark it in your calendars, guys €“ on 22nd May 2016, we will have reached the ten year anniversary of X-Men: The Last Stand€™s first public screenings. It€™ll be a decade to the day since the word begun to get out there €“ Brett Ratner has ruined the X-Men franchise. Everything had gone so well until that point, with Bryan Singer€™s first two movies popularising the comic book film for a new generation of cinemagoers, by pairing exciting action with engaging performances. Singer threw the perfect pass to Ratner (teeing up the iconic Dark Phoenix saga from comics in the final moments of X-2), but sadly Ratner fumbled the catch. Although you still meet the occasional X-Men: The Last Stand apologist, there€™s no denying that this film wasn€™t as good as the ones that came before. Instead of the immensely cool Dark Phoenix film we€™d all wanted, we got Vinnie Jones proclaiming €˜I€™m the Juggernaut, bitch!€™ and an over-stuffed plot that sidelined Jean€™s transition to villainy in favour of melodrama about the mutant cure. Thankfully, even coupled with the failure of 2009€™s X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the X-franchise still somehow managed to correct itself with First Class and Days Of Future Past. Ten years on, though, the fans still haven€™t forgiven Brett Ratner. How old do you feel right now? Utterly ancient or surprisingly youthful? Let us know in the comments€

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.