10 Must-See Fan Documentaries About The People Who Matter Most

8. MacHeads

Some fans out there are far more interested in the medium rather than the message. The technology - its ergonomics, functionality and reliability appeals to them more than the applications and software the devices are intended for. Perhaps no other group considers themselves more tech-savvy and elitist than Mac owners. MacHeads - which takes its name for the faithful hordes who can't get enough of the brand - is a documentary all about the users and their fervent (some might say obsessive) appreciation for anything produced by Apple Inc. Kobi and Ron Shely's documentary takes a look inside their world, from the early days of hardcore Mac users and their endless battle with PC owners to the iPod/Pad generation, who see their gadgets and tablets as extensions of their personalities. Their unity is most apparent in their idol worship of Steve Jobs (who died after this documentary was made); a man they hold in the highest esteem as something of a demi-god. It's brand evangelism at its most prominent, filling the coffers of a billion dollar corporation with the sales of products marketed not for their utility but as a lifestyle choice. While MacHeads does touch on the corporate changes Apple have undergone over the years - in which they've moved further and further away from the user-friendly model with which they made their name in the early days of computing - the documentary prefers to keep focus on the community. Stare too hard though and it starts to look more like a cult.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.