10 Must-See Godzilla Films

3. Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah (1995)

When you have a monster as seemingly indestructible and all powerful as Godzilla, his death is always going to be a big deal. Combine that with the fact that Godzilla had starred in over 20 films in 40 years, and it should be no surprise that Godzilla vs. Destoroyah was a major cinematic event. This is one of the most intense Godzilla films you'll ever see. Godzilla is melting down, and holding the existence of the entire planet hostage. To make matters worse, a new monster birthed from the Oxygen Destroyer, the one weapon capable of killing Godzilla, surfaces to also threaten all life as we know it. Time is ticking as the world's leaders scramble with how to deal with both threats. This film is an emotional experience for anyone who is a Godzilla fan. By having Godzilla's final enemy be a monstrous manifestation of the Oxygen Destroyer, it connects the end with the beginning. The sense of finality is enhanced by Akira Ifukube's amazing score. Destoroyah is a menacingly designed monster, with some aspects of it ripped straight from H.R. Giger's Alien. Godzilla literally glows with radiation as his heart melts down, and the suit actor's performance really gives you the sense that Godzilla is in constant pain. While the film is full of great moments, the most significant without a doubt is Godzilla's death, where the imagery and score come together to create an unforgettable scene for every fan. Sure, it may not have killed the big guy for good, but Godzilla vs. Destoroyah still remains the only film where his death is the emotional centerpiece, making it one of the most powerful entries in the series.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.