10 Mythical Deleted Movie Scenes We'll Probably Never Get To See

3. Original Pie Fight - Dr. Strangelove/Premiere Deleted Footage - 2001: A Space Odyssey & The Shining

Pie Fightresize Kubrick was famous for hiding away his deleted footage from prying public eyes, but rumours about the existence of these scenes still persists to this day, though we're no closer to actually seeing any of them. The most famous of these scenes is the original ending for Dr. Strangelove: the infamous "Pie Fight Scene." In a 1969 interview, Kubrick recounted how " decided it was farce and not consistent with the satiric tone of the rest of the film"." In the "Making Of" documentary that accompanies the Sony 40th Anniversary Edition DVD, the son of the film's screenwriter talks about how the scene was meant to show a "blizzard" of cream pies, as to symbolise missiles coming from every direction, but the actors were having too much fun and couldn't stop laughing, so the shot was ruined. After 2001: A Space Odyssey premiered in New York, Kubrick decided that he wanted to cut 24 minutes of footage from the movie. Warner Bros. has since gone on record stating that "he made it clear the shortened version was his final edit. The film is as he wanted it to be presented and preserved". In 2010, 17 minutes of this cut footage was found buried in a Kansas salt mine that Warner Bros. has been using to archive old reels of film. This removed footage included scenes taken out of the "Dawn of Man" sequence (to which alternate shots were added); shots of Poole jogging around the centrifuge; an entire sequence showing Bowan searching for antennae parts in storage; a scene where HAL severs radio communication between the "Discovery" and Poole's pod before killing him; and some shots of Poole's spacewalk prior to him being killed. The 17 "missing" minutes of footage is said to be in the possession Kubrick's family, but it - and the other lost 7 minutes - will likely never be made public. There is also a scene from The Shining that was initially included in the film when it first hit theatres, but was later removed and supposedly destroyed by the studio. The scene consisted of "a discussion about the disappearance of Jack's frozen body." While this footage is considered to be lost, it is also rumoured to be in the possession of Kubrick's family.

I'm Josh. I was born and raised in the Niagara region. I'm an avid cinephile, dedicated archivist and pirate. I'm also an anarcho-punk fan that rides a bike, enjoys going on hikes, and really likes fruit....a sort of hippy-punk hybrid, if you will. I graduated from Brock University with an Honours degree in Political Science and an unofficial minor in Film. I enjoy writing learning, reading and writing about politics, film, and punk related issues. I hit shows in TO pretty often and look forward to checking out new films at TIFF every September.