10 Nastiest Video Nasties

7. Island Of Death (1976)

Christopher and Celia are a young British couple holidaying on a Greek Island. It is established at the beginning that they are a pair of perverts - having it away in a telephone box whilst Christopher's mother is on the blower, listening to it all. Christopher shags a goat and then goes marauding around the island killing anyone who he believes is guilty of 'immoral' behaviour, which is ironic, given that he is the biggest deviant in the place. Christopher's moral avenging sees him kill a painter who came on to Celia by pouring paint down his throat. He also dispatches of some ludicrously camp homosexuals and a heroin addicted lesbian. An older woman is murdered and the police grow suspicious that there is a killer on the island. On the run, Christopher and Celia flee to the countryside where Celia takes a liking to a primitive, earthy peasant with whom she has a serious bonk-fest. Eventually Christopher is flung onto some limestone as it begins to rain and dies a painful death. Somewhere along the way it is established that Christopher and Celia are brother and sister, but it isn't a particularly shocking revelation given the extreme perversity of the film. Director Nico Mastorakis goes balls to the walls with this film, determined to pack as much transgressive material into the movie as possible - it really feels like he is only interested in depicting as many sordid deeds as he can. Christopher really is the giddy limit when it comes to killing characters for their perceived immorality when he is the very embodiment of the word 'immoral'. The film is sleazy exploitation to the highest degree and goat shagging was bound to bomb with the BBFC. Laughable in many respects, Island Of Death, due to the scale of its perversions makes the list as a truly nasty Nasty.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!